Thursday 12 May 2011

Progress Tutorial with Fred

I was really happy with my tutorial with Fred, I discussed all of my ideas for this project and also my worries of the sustainability issues and my lack of knowledge of this area. Fred really liked the idea of grow your own with the packaging as a way of re-using the materials and promoting sustainability in the home. People that live in York probably would not have a garden, or if so a very little one, so as much as they would like to they couldn't start growing lots of vegetables but instead could grow smaller things such as herbs in pots on their window sill. I was told not to worry about sustainability and go with this idea of re-using the packaging for things, I could look at using seeded papers so that the materials could be planted but if the cafe was to be fully green they wouldn't have take out packaging in the first place! 

Also the photoshoot I have proposed to do, maybe should stay as a proposition. I have 2 1/2 weeks left and should concentrate on the packaging side of things and main shop branding interior assets. I really like the idea of the photoshoot and is still something i would like to do but possibly as an add on in my own time.

Thumbs up to the fun packaging ideas- keep on with these... connections with the country and the city!

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