Wednesday 9 November 2011


I've been struggling with the Brothers Grimm interactive book ideas as I can only come up with one idea for each book and I don't know how they would work as a set. I don't want to design the pages of the book but all my ideas so far have meant I'd have to do this. Although I love interactivity I like conceptual interaction instead of pop-up fold out interaction... this isn't really me.

Today on the train I was trying to come up with further ideas when I had my eureka moment.... I hope it is anyway! I started to think of products that each book could come with, like interactive packs and came up with products and concepts for each story as though each was a brand.

For Rapunzel I had the idea of hair products, growth treatments, hair extensions etc. These products can all be used but are quite fun ideas at the same time. So what if Rapunzel was a hair product brand and I came up with the products, identity and labels for each one. This is the sort of fun, interactivity I like.

I have re-read the stories and picked out key themes and imagery i can work with, so far I am looking to create 5 packages.

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