Tuesday 19 January 2010

OUGD102 What if?

This was a group brief in which we had to find and solve a problem in Leeds. This problem had to be derived from similarities found in our categories:
change in time
historic vs modern
playing around
rural and home backgrounds

A lot of our categories were to do with time so we started to research into the history of Leeds to see how it had changed which led us to looking into social attitudes to Leeds between the younger and older society. Mainly researching what new students thought of Leeds and whether they knew any of the History of the city. We found that students knew a lot about nights out, shopping etc. but not a lot about things going on out of Leeds city center. This information was not being targetted at the students where as flyers for nights out were being handed out to them everyday.

From the information collected in a questionnaire we researched and gathered together information on events in Leeds. We decided to narrow the search to Art events and to specify the target audience as Leeds Art College first years only, this was based on the results from the questionnaire. 

The tourist center in Leeds and the Leeds Live it Love it website also contained all of this information but it was not being reached by the students so our plan was to draw out the information needed and delivery it straight to the students.

We did a survey to see how students would rather receive information and e-mails scored highest so this is the way in which we would get people interested. A website would be an excellent way of presenting and updating the information although this has shown through the city council website that it doesn't work. Due to this we have developed a Facebook page instead, nearly all students have a Facebook and check it frequently so this information would be seen daily/weekly.

Although our outcomes worked and had the desired affect on the students i feel that our project was not strong enough... was it really an issue? I think we could have picked a greater issue to deal with which would have allowed us to in turn create a stronger outcome.

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