Saturday 7 May 2011

“Don’t Panic It’s Organic”

Phone call with Waller from The Organic Pantry...

I basically explained my brief the ideas I have and why I chose to base my project on The Organic Pantry. He seemed really interested in my project and agreed that opening a cafe would reduce their waste. Waller explained about the laws in which they have to comply with, they can only sell produce that meets regulations on shape, size and colour, therefore this is how a lot of waste is created. If they opened a cafe they could use the produce that would normally have been wasted in the ingredients for new food products that can be made fresh everyday. Also this would help combat waste on produce that is near to its end of date.

He suggested a name for the cafe, or strap line "Don't Panic It's Organic" :) ...I really like it I think its fun and fits with the quirky city look I want to create but unfortunately it has been used a lot... and sometimes for the wrong reasons, i'm sure a quick look on google images would give you the answer ha. So I'll have to give this one a think!

On thurs/ friday i'm going to meet the manager of The Organic Pantry to talk ethics and what they are about, there's a lot on the website but i'd rather have a meeting and engage with the client and hopefully take on some of his ideas. Hopefully he can answer any questions on their sustainability ethics which will help me with the packaging side of it all.

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